Trees of Pakistan
Cedrus deodara (Roxb. Ex Lamb.) G. Don.
Family Name: Pinaceae
Local Name : Diar, Deodar
English Name : Himalayan Cedar
Description : A large, evergreen, tree 45 to 60 m tall with a diameter of 0.8 to 1.1 m. The crown extends to the ground with the branches forming a conical shape. The leaves are three, sided needles 2.5 to 4 cm long. The needles occur in groups or dense tufts, sometimes as rosettes. The bark is greyish or reddish-brown forming into irregular shaped scales with age. It is monoecious. The male flowers or cones are solitary on the ends of branches. The female flowers are erect along the tops of the branches, 10 to 15 cm long, and oval to pyramidal in shape. They are blue-green when young. The cones bloom between June and September. The fruit is the female cone. As the cone ripens it turns a brown color. The seed in the cone takes a full year to mature after pollination and a full 2 years for the
Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Wild
Family Name: Meliaceae
Local Name : Tun
English Name : The Toon
Description : A medium sized, deciduous tree, 18 to 21 m tall and with a diameter of 0.57 to 0.95 m. The crown is broad and rounded. The leaves are compound 30 to 55 cm long. The flowers are small, white and with the fragrance of honey, and occur in dense, hanging bunches between March and May. The fruit is a capsule 2 cm long. Each seed is winged at the top and bottom. The fruiting period is April to July. The shoot borer Hypsipyla sp. can be a serious problem. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. Seed has a low percent of viability and does not store well. Growth rates are high. Trees 14 m tall with diameters of 20 cm grow in 16 years. Sapwood is pinkish to greyish white. Heartwood is light red aging to reddish brown with Straight, somewhat uneven textured Grains. Specif
Cedrela serrata Royle.
Family Name: Meliaceae
Local Name : Dravi
English Name : Hill Toon
Description : A medium sized, deciduous tree, 20 m tall and with a diameter of 0.50 to 0.60 m. The leaves are compound, feathery usually 35 to 80 cm long. The bark is thick and rough. The flowers are in drooping bunches, up to 0.5 m long. They are pinkish and develop between May and June. The fruit is a capsule 2.5 to 3 cm long. The seed is 1.5 cm long, winged at the upper end, and matures between June and July. It has no known insect or disease problems. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. Growth rates are high. Average diameter growth of 2.5 cm/yr has been recorded. Grains are straight, coarse with an uneven texture. Heartwood is red to reddish brown. With Specific gravity of 0.49, having heavy strength.
Casuarina equisetifolia Linn
Family Name: Casuarinaceae
Local Name : Casuarina
English Name : Beefwood Tree
Description : A large, evergreen tree, 15 to 25 m tall with a diameter of up to 1 m. The open, feathery crown is composed of leafless branchlets which act as leaves (look like pine needles). The bark is rough, brown and peels off in long strips. It is monoecious. The male is a small bunch or group of flowers at the end of the branchlets and the female roundish bunches of flowers also at the ends of the branchlets appearing in March. The fruit is a brownish woody is in cone 1.5 to 2 cm long, containing small-winged seeds. The cones mature in June and July. Seedlings are attacked by termites and other insect pests. It can be reproduced from seed. Seed can be stored at room temperature for 1 to 2 years without loss of viability. A fast-growing tree with recorded yields between 6 to 18 m3/ha/yr o
Cassia fistula Linn
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Amaltas
English Name : Indian Laburnum, Golden Shower
Description : A medium sized deciduous to semi-evergreen tree, with an open crown. The tree may never appear to be entirely leafless. At maturity, height of the tree will range from 5 to 9 m and have a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 m. Leaves are compound and are divided into between 4 and 6 pairs of larger (12 by 6cm) oval shaped leaflets. The leaflets are leathery, long pointed and stalked. The bark is greenish grey on young trees, changing to a reddish brown with age. On old trees the bark peels off in hard scales. The flowers which are bright yellow and appear around April and May. They form in large, hanging, pointed bunches and are arranged along a central axis. The fruit is a long pod (2 to 3 cm in diameter and 30 or more cm long). Usually smooth, hard and dark brown when ripe; they mature bet
Carica papaya Edward
Family Name: Caricaceae
Local Name : Papita
English Name : Papaya
Description : The papaya is a small, sparsely branched tree, usually with a single stem growing up to the height of 5 to 10 m. The bark is light brown to light green, smooth, with thin horizontal ridges. Leaves are 50 to 70 cm in diameter. Flowers are highly scented, male and female are present separately present on the plant Fruit it is a large berry and have spherical or cylindrical shape, fruit is about 15 to 45 cm long and 10 to 30 cm in diameter, its colour is green when it is young, fully ripe fruit is orange in colour and numerous black seeds are present in the large central cavity of fruit.
Callistemon viminalis Cheel
Family Name: Myrtaceae
Local Name : Bottle Brush
English Name : Bottle Brush
Description : A small evergreen tree, with drooping branches. Leaves, about 7 cm longed, are alternate, lanceolate, narrowed at both ends, sharply pointed and gland dotted. The leaves are spirally grouped toward the ends of the branchlets which hang vertically. The red flowers are in terminal spikes 7 to 15 cm long. Flowering begins about May and persists for an extended period. The fruit, a small woody capsule, contains many seeds. The capsules open and ripen between July and September. The empty capsules may persist on the ends of branches for a year. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. It’s very small, red seeds are numerous. Diameter growth rate is slow, 0.4 cm/yr. Spiral, very close grained, evenly distributed with sapwood of grey or red color.
Callistemon lanceolatus (Sm.) Sweet
Family Name: Myrtaceae
Local Name : Bottle Brush
English Name : Bottle Brush
Description : This plant is a medium sized tree that will eventually grow to around 8m tall. Callistemon species have commonly been referred to as bottlebrushes because of their cylindrical, brush like flowers resembling a traditional bottle brush. It has woody stem, but upper portions are herbaceous, erect, cylindrical, branched and solid. Leaves are narrow and pointed and are 0.5 to 2.5cm wide and green in colour, leaves release a lemony smell when they are bruised. They are arranged spirally along loose hanging stems. Flowers are glowing red in colour and are in the shape of cylindrical brush, flowers are about 8 to 11 cm long. The woody capsules remain closed on the branches for years and open up and taken in warm place. Bees and small birds can be frequently seen around the trees as its c
Buxus wallichiana Baill
Family Name: Buxaceae
Local Name : Shamshad
English Name : Boxwood Tree
Description : An evergreen shrub or small tree, up to 10 m tall. Leaves are simple, 2 to 5 cm long. It is monoecious. Flowering shoots are 6 to 8 cm long, appearing between March and May. The fruits are 7 to 10 cm long and mature between June and August. It has no known insect or disease problems of significant importance. It can be reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. Natural regeneration occurs in moist, shady microsites. Viability of seed is usually very low. Diameter growth increments of 0.30 cms per annum over a 70-year period have been recorded. Because of the demand for packing cases, it has been harvested to the point where it could be considered "endangered". Programs to protect and re-establish this tree need to be initiated. Grains are Smooth, even textured. Wood is ha
Butea monosperma Lam
Family Name: Fabaceae
Local Name : Dhak
English Name : Flame of the forest
Description : This plant is deciduous small sized tree that grow up to the height of about 15 m. The leaves of the plant are around 9 to 15 cm long and are pinnate having long petiole. Three leaflets are present, and each leaflet is about 8 to 20 cm long. The flowers are bright red t orange in colour and are about 3 cm long. The fruit is a pod, and it is around 15 to 22 cm long and 4 to 6 cm broad with a single seed.