Trees of Pakistan
Populus deltoides Bartr
Family Name: Salicaceae
Local Name : Sufed Poplar
English Name : Northern Cottonwood
Description : A large, deciduous tree 25 to 30 m tall, with diameters of 40 cm or more. The trunk is erect and the crown broad and spreading. The leaves are simple, 7.5 to 12.5 cm long. The bark on older trees is grey to grey black and rough. On younger trees the bark is smooth and shiny. It is dioecious. The male catkins are 7.5 to 10 cm long and the female catkins are 15 to 20 cm long. Flowering and seed production occurs between June and August. It does coppice. It is susceptible to many insect and disease problems especially when stressed. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. The seed is small with silky hairs (cotton), light and wind disseminated. Seed viability is low. It is fast growing. Yields of 20 to 40 m3/ha/yr have been recorded. Several clones of this tree hav
Populus ciliata Wall. Ex. Royle
Family Name: Salicaceae
Local Name : Palach
English Name : Himalayan Poplar
Description : A large, deciduous tree 18 to 21 m tall, with diameters of 60 to 80 cm. The trunk is erect and the crown spreading. The leaves are simple, 7.5 to 17.5 cm long. It is dioecious. The male catkins are 7.5 to 10 cm long and the female catkins are 15 to 30 cm long. Flowering and seed production occurs between March and June. It has no observed insect or disease problems in Pakistan. It does not coppice except when young. It is reproduced from seed and by vegetative means. The seed is small with long silky hairs, light and wind disseminated. Viability is low. It is relatively fast growing. Yields of 6 to 13 m3/ha/yr have been recorded. Sapwood is white, heartwood pale to brownish grey with very fine, straight, even textured Grains having specific gravity of 0.46 and a calorific value
Populus caspica Bornm.
Family Name: Salicaceae
Local Name : Chitta Sufeda
English Name : White Poplar
Description : A medium to large, deciduous tree 12 to 20 m or more tall, with diameters of 30 to 50 cm. The trunk is erect and the crown spreading. The leaves are simple, 3 to 5 lobed, 5 to 10 cm long and broad. The bark is smooth, light grey to greenish white in color. It is dioecious. The male catkins are 5 to 10 cm long and the female catkins are 5 cm long. Flowering and seed production occurs between March and May. It can be coppiced. The foliage when attacked by rust and powdery mildew can be considerably damaged. It is reproduced from seed and by vegetative means. The seed is small, light and win d disseminated. Growth is relatively fast. Diameter growth of 1.5 to 2.0 cm a year is not uncommon. Grains very fine, straight and even textured. Wood is white having specific gravity of 0.49 an
Populus alba L.
Family Name: Salicaceae
Local Name : Sufaida. Poplar
English Name : White poplar
Description : This plant is a medium sized deciduous tree that grows to the heights of about 15 to 30m. The trunk is up to 2 m in diameter. The bark is greenish white and smooth in young trees and blackish and fissured in old trees. It also propagates by means of root suckers growing from the lateral roots, often as far as 20 to 30 m from the trunk, to form extensive clonal colonies. The leaves are small and 5 to 15cm long, five lobed, with a thick covering of white scurfy down on both sides, but thicker underneath; this layer wears off 8 cm long, produced in early spring; they are dioecious, with male and female catkins on separate trees; the male catkins are grey with conspicuous dark red stamens, the female catkins are greyish green. The female catkins lengthen to 8 to 10 cm after pollinati
Platanus orientalis Linn.
Family Name: Platanaceae
Local Name : Chinar
English Name : Oriental Plane Tree
Description : A large, deciduous tree 20 to 25 m tall with diameters of 1 to 3 m. The crown is oblong. The leaves are simple 12 to 20 cm long, with 5 to 7 deep lobes. It is monoecious. The male flowers are densely crowded round heads. The female flowers are similar to the male flowers and bloom between March and May. The fruit is a rounded head, 2.5 to 7.5 cm in diameter, containing numerous small 1-seeded nuts (achenes). The seed matures June through August. The tree is susceptible to many insects, which can be controlled with insecticides. It is reproduced from seed and by vegetative means. Seed is very small and difficult to collect. Diameter growth of 2 cm a year is not unusual. Straight, medium fine and un-even textured Grains, wood is light to greyish brown moderately hardy heavy, stron
Pistacia khinjuk
Family Name: Anacardiaceae
Local Name : Khanjak, Shna
English Name : Khinjuk
Description : A tree 6 to 12 m in height. Young foliage has a beautiful dark tinge. Flowers between April and May. Gall formation is quite common. It has no known insects’ problems. It is easily reproduced from seed. Growth is slow. Seedlings grow in height at the rate of 8 cm/yr. Grows naturally as scattered trees and has never been managed as stands of trees. Seedlings raised in nurseries were planted in Ziarat with 50% success in the field due to biotic and climatic factors. Also successfully established by direct sowing in pits. Close grained, very hard and durable.
Family Name: Anacardiaceae
Local Name : Kangar
English Name : Pistacia
Description : A medium sized deciduous tree 10 to 15 m tall. The crown is spreading with stem diameters of 38 to 48 cm. Leaves are compound, large 16 to 25 cm long. It is dioecious. The female flowers are in long, 15 to 25 cm, bunches. The tree flowers between March and May. It has no observed insect or disease problems. It can be reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. Its growth is slow with a diameter growth of 0.5 to 0.75 cm/yr. It reaches maturity between 50 and 60 years of age. Twisted with medium fine, somewhat uneven grain. Sapwood is light brown and heartwood is dark, reddish brown with black streaks. Dense with a specific gravity of 0.68 and a calorific value of 5100 kcal/kg.
Phoenix dactylifera Linn.
Family Name: Palmae
Local Name : Khajur
English Name : Date Palm
Description : A tall evergreen tree attaining a height of 30 to 35 m. The stem is covered with the stumps of old leaves from the bottom to the top except for the space occupied by existing whorls of large frond like grey leaves. Leaflets make an acute angle with the rachis and are up to 2.5 m long. Base of stem is surrounded by suckers. Male flowers are white, in short compact pinnacles 15 to 22 cm long. It flowers between March and April. The fruit is full of nourishment, sweet and tasty, up to 5 cm long. It has no known insect or fungi problems, but the fruit must be covered with nets to save it from birds and squirrels. It is reproduced from seed or suckers which are plentiful around the base of the main stem. Its growth is slow especially when young. It takes about 10 years to attain a he
Myristica fragrans Houtt.
Family Name: Myristicaceae
Local Name : Jai-Phal
English Name : Nutmeg-tree
Description : This plant is an evergreen tree, having height of 5 to 15m tall, sometimes reaching 20 m. The leaves are alternately arranged, dark green in colour and about 5 to 15cm long and 2 to 7 cm broad. The species is dioecious, which means. "male" or staminate flowers and "female" or carpellate flowers are borne on different plants, although occasional individuals produce both kinds of flower. The flowers are bell-shaped, pale yellow and somewhat waxy and fleshy. Staminate flowers are arranged in groups of one to ten, each 5 to 7 mm long, carpellate flowers are in smaller groups, one to three, and somewhat longer, up to 10 mm long. The fruits are yellow, smooth, fleshy and about, 6 to 9 cm long. Carpellate trees produce smooth yellow ovoid or pear-shaped fruits, 6 to 9 cm long with a di
Moringa pterygosperma
Family Name: Moringaceae
Local Name : Sohanjna
English Name : Horseradish Tree
Description : A large deciduous tree. The tripinnate, compound leaves are large 30 to 70 cm long. Leaflets are opposite. The bark is corky. The flowers are 2.4 cm across, white, strongly honey scented in large panicles. Flowers develop between February and April. The fruit is a large capsules 25 to 50 cm long. The three angled, winged, seed matures in August and is 2.4 cm long. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. The growth rate is moderate. Grains are straight, sapwood is of light color with medium density and weak strength.